Is Your Money Plant Dying? Here’s How to Revive It Before It’s Too Late 2025

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By Honey Sharma


Is Your Money Plant Dying? Here’s How to Revive It Before It’s Too Late 2025

Is Your Money Plant Dying? Here’s How to Revive It Before It’s Too Late

Do not worry when your money plant seems unhealthy because common problems can be fixed. The houseplant Epipremnum aureum or money plant needs very little care because it proves easy to grow. Despite its resilience the plant needs correct maintenance to survive. The good news? Most issues are completely fixable!

According to gardening experts the path to rescuing a dying money plant involves both recognizing its problems and making basic plant adjustments. Our guide will share the professional methods to refresh your money plant.

Is Your Money Plant Dying? Here’s How to Revive It Before It’s Too Late

1. Diagnose the Problem

Take time to evaluate the issues with your plant before taking action. These plant conditions clearly show you what is wrong with your plant.

  • Yellowing leaves? Subpar soaking practices and drainage issues likely harmed the plant.
  • Wilted or curling leaves? Either your plant needs water or it is receiving excessive sunlight.
  • Brown leaf tips? Dry low humidity along with too much fertilizer harm the plant.
  • Stunted growth? Your plant requires either bright light exposure or essential nutrients.

The right diagnosis of a dying money plant helps you bring it back to life successfully.

2. Watering: Less Is More

Most plant parents make the mistake of watering their plants too much. Unlike arid succulents, money plants need soil that stays moist but their roots should not be completely submerged in water.

  • Water only when the top 1-2 inches of soil feel dry.
  • Check for drainage holes on your pot to stop soggy roots.
  • Water your plant less during winter because its development rate lowers in cold temperatures.

Your plant needs modest extra water when its leaves show dryness because it sits too deeply in water. Watering changes alone can help your money plant survive when it shows signs of dying.

3. Light

Money plants require sunlight but need its rays filtered through sheer glass or blinds. Put your money plant near a lit window for good conditions except for when the sun directly strikes its leaves.

  • A grow light will support the health of your plant when your home receives little sunlight.
  • Turn the pot regularly to help the plant grow straight.

When your money plant receives insufficient light it starts to die slowly through poor growth patterns.

4. Soil Matters More Than You Think

Your money plant needs soil that stays light but contains all necessary nutrients. The best mix includes:

  • Potting soil for structure
  • Perlite or sand for drainage
  • Earthworm droppings and natural matter will improve soil nutrients

Gardeners advise against planting crops in dense garden soil because this heavy type of earth holds too much water and harms roots. Your money plant may die because of using improper soil mixture.

5. Feed It Right

Even though money plants grow without regular feeding they respond positively to sporadic fertilizer applications.

  • Apply a mix of nutrients through liquid fertilizer every month and a half at most while warm seasons continue.
  • Reduce nutrient intake during cold periods because the plant grows more slowly at that time.

6. Boost Humidity for Happier Leaves

When placed inside air-conditioned and heated spaces, wealth plants may suffer from inadequate moisture levels.

  • Apply fine water droplets to the leaves for proper hydration.
  • Set up a small tray with pebbles and water below the pot to add needed humidity.
  • Bathrooms and kitchens offer perfect environments because these rooms contain natural humidity.

7. Prune & Propagate for a Fuller Look

To grow stronger money plants you should trim excess growth.

  • Trimming excessive vine growth promotes better growth.
  • Regularly take away old yellow or compromised leaves.
  • Use water to start new plants from cuttings free of cost.

So, Can You Save Your Money Plant?

Your money plant needs specific environmental conditions to grow and live healthily. These professional guidelines will help new and experienced gardeners maintain their money plant plants in perfect health.

When you observe your money plant starting to die you should immediately start with necessary plant care methods.

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