The Enduring Power of Affirmations

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By Honey Sharma


The Enduring Power of Affirmations


Affirmations therefore are effective instruments, which has been in use for ages changing the perception, behavior and consequently, the physical reality. These positive statements said frequently can alter our thinking positively, increase our positive thinking, self-assertion, motivation, and persistence. This is because it is during manifestation that the affirmations make an imprint to the conscious as well as to the sub-conscious mentality becoming influential to alteration of the thinking, feeling, as well as the acting outlook.

How Affirmations Work

Affirmations help in capturing the belief system as the brain has the capability of rewiring throughout the lifetime. Thus, on using the method of repetition of affirmation, paths to positive thinking and perceiving become strengthened and the negative patterns are re-elaced with positive ones. This process is not only has an impact to our mental health but also can bring good influences to our physical health and our daily life.

Crafting Effective Affirmations

To increase the effectiveness of using affirmations, special attention should be given to the formulation of those words. Here are some guidelines:

Verb Tense: Affirmations, therefore, should be said in the present tense, which will create the best feeling that the goal has already been achieved.

Positive Attitude: Especially do not use negative terminology and concentrate on what is desired or wanted.

Short and Crisp: Keep affirmations concise for easier repetition.

Positive words of affirmation: As you affirm, believe in it and imagine as if you have achieved it in order to maximize its impact.

Benefits of Affirmations

It is now evident that there are a lot of advantages of practicing affirmations, and some of them include the following;

One of the benefits of using affirmations is that self-esteem usually improves when you use the affirmations frequently.

Stress Reduction: One more significant benefit of the Affirmations is that it has the potential to reduce stress by changing focus from negative to positive manner.

Enhanced Resilience: They build up ones’ ability to handle problems and deal with them.

Growth and Development: Affirmations are effective in the growth of an individual in that they develop positive thinking and acting.

Integrating Affirmations into Daily Life

If you want to integrate affirmations into your daily practice, here are few ideas that will help you achieve your desired results:

Morning and Night: It is best to practice affirmations in the morning to start the day on a good note and before going to bed so that the messages being conveyed can be taken in by the subconscious mind.

Journaling: Spelling out these affirmations should be recorded in a journal to enable one to see the changes and impact made.

Continuity: As can be seen from the examples above, most affirmations should be repeated frequently to change one’s way of thinking and acting.

Lastly, there is much to be said about the use of affirmations being an outstanding method for the seekers of positive change to embrace an optimistic outlook and healthier psychology with both hands. When done properly, the time-tested art of affirmations is an improvement tool that when placed in use can help one grow and become successful.

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