Belly fat in men: Why weight loss matters

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By Honey Sharma


Belly fat in men: Why weight loss matters


Visceral fat which men commonly call belly fat constitutes a severe health threat because this abdominal tissue accumulates near abdominal organs. The fat cells located inside the deep layers of the abdomen entwine themselves throughout the area surrounding the internal organs. Health issues become more likely when men have excessive belly fat regardless of whether they are overweight.

Health Risks Associated with Belly Fat

  1. The chemical activity of visceral fat results in heart attack dangers alongside other cardiovascular abnormalities including strokes through atherosclerosis and tissue inflammation.
  2. When excess belly fat disrupts insulin use the body develops insulin resistance and high blood sugar levels thus creating conditions for nerve damage kidney failure and vision impairments.
  3. The emergence of metabolic syndrome becomes more likely for men having substantial belly fat because this increases their risk of experiencing high blood pressure and high blood sugar and abnormal cholesterol levels which produces a combination of health problems that increases their potential for heart disease, stroke and diabetes.
  4. Patients with excess abdominal weight experience respiratory problems because the combination of excess weight restricts diaphragm movement while also decreasing total lung volume.
  5. Visceral body fat increases the risk of developing colorectal and pancreatic cancer by allowing belly fat to create inflammatory substances that result in cancer development and advancement.

The prevalence of obstructive sleep apnea increases in men who have belly fat which interrupts their breathing while causing poor sleep and raises their heart disease risks.

Factors Contributing to Belly Fat

Various elements lead to belly fat accumulation between them:

  1. Extra weight gain with belly fat develops when daily caloric consumption exceeds daily caloric expenditure.
  2. Human muscles deteriorate with age causing a body metabolism change which reduces the ability to maintain a healthy weight. Adult males aged 50 require their bodies to consume 200 fewer calories in each day than males aged 30 need.
  3. Genetic factors influence body weight through their effect on weight status and determine which areas store fat.
  4. People in lower and middle socioeconomic status groups tend to have bigger waist circumferences compared to others.
  5. People who understand the harms of visceral fat along with implementing proper management steps will see improved health outcomes and decreased risks for severe diseases.

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