The first priority in such situations should be your own safety along with giving aid to injured dogs whenever possible. Providing assistance to the dogs is crucial when possible.
1. Check and Be Safe
- Stay Cool: Don’t panic. Dogs understand fear in human beings which leads them to take greater protective measures.
- Check for potential dangers across your area to spot nearby cars or other animals. Check the location for threats before moving toward a dog.
In case you doubt your ability to assist the animals contact animal control or a local animal rescue. The professionals at animal control understand how to assist dogs who are either traumatized or experiencing physical harm.

2. Why Dogs Act This Way
Protecting its friend is a typical behavior for dogs because they naturally exhibit this form of defense. A dog acts as though it belongs to a pack so it works to defend its pack members from danger. The guarding dog will show warning signals consisting of growling along with teeth display or attempts at biting. It remains essential to recognize the warning signals displayed by dogs.
3. How to Help
Move upwards from the side of the area while doing it carefully. Eyesight contact with a dog should be avoided because direct eye contact carries threatening implications. A gentle non-alarming tone of voice will let the dogs understand that you offer aid.
To maintain distance from the dog use a trunk or pillow or a different object for separation.
- The method to stop a potentially biting dog is to wrap its mouth with a scarf or belt until help arrives. This is called a muzzle. Avoid applying a muzzle to the dog unless it is resting peacefully without vomit or injury in its mouth.
- The next step following proper containment and examination of the dog should involve immediately calling a veterinary professional. Briefly explain to veterinary staff exactly what happened to the dog as well as what kinds of injuries they sustained.
4. A Story About Loyalty
The pet Herman guarded his wounded comrade while a person discovered them in this specific urban area. A person witnessed their behavior and proceeded to snap a photo that they posted throughout the internet. The shelter personnel took Herman to their facility. The story reveals the strong bond of loyalty that exists between dogs although it has a heartbreaking ending.